Stress: Rule IT!

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Stress FreeStress is some thing that can be all to present, but can be managed.


Stress is a very broad yet individual topic. How stress affects our bodies is automatic, but we are able to control how much it affects us through stress management. In general, there are two types of stress, positive and negative. Yes, there is such a thing as positive stress; for example, starting a new job that you are excited about, but need to get used to, or moving to a new house that you love. These types of stress generally lead to positive outcomes. Negative stress is the kind that doesn’t usually lead to a positive outcome such as the death of a loved one, or a difficult relationship that never seems to get easier. Usually these types of negative stress feel much less controllable and if not dealt with, can lead to more negative results.


Prolonged stress can be very damaging; left un-managed, or managed using negative coping techniques, it can lead to health and psychological issues like depression, getting sick more regularly, increased body fat, fatigue, sleeping troubles, headaches, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, irritability, aches and pains, the list goes on. Dealing with life’s inevitable stresses in a positive way can lead to more life satisfaction, improved relationships, more productive work, and improved overall health. Understanding our emotions and evaluating our actions can also play a big part in our stress levels.


The key to stress is all in how we deal with it. Life is going to have it’s many joys, but also it’s challenges, some of which we may not be able to control. Here is where stress management comes in. People cope with stress in many ways, again, these fall into two general categories, positive and negative. Negative stress management methods can include behaviors like getting angry, smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, or emotional eating. Although these things can provide a temporary distraction and feelings of relief, they in turn can create more problems and lead to more stress in the future. Positive stress management methods are those that provide  relief and distraction, but don’t lead to negative outcomes.


Healthy Stress Management Tips

  • Listen to music that you enjoy.
  • Talk to a friend.
  • Proper nutrition is an important foundation to stress management.
  • Stay hydrated to avoid fatigue and mood swings.
  • Try getting a massage.
  • Make time to enjoy your favorite hobby.


Sometimes stress can be a sign to us to make a life change, but if it’s not something you are ready or able to change, find a positive stress management technique. What works great for one person may not work at all for someone else, so keep trying until you find your own perfect stress management match.


Browse our Merchant Directory for a stress management expert, or to find a healthy stress reliever that works for you.


Author: Tony Montijo, BS Kinesiology, CPT, CES